Tips for Skin Care in Winter

♠ Posted by Creative Blogger in , , at 06:06
skin care in winter,winter skin problems,skin problems,skin problems in winter,winter skin care,skin care
Skin protection is a key to glowing and healthy skin 

Whenever, winter arrives, skin becomes dry, itchy and dull because of cold breezes, low humidity and freezing temperature. The drier your skin is, the less able it is to provide a barrier against infection. Splits in the skin can create a greater chance for infection to take hold. In such situation skin care is very important which can be done with little knowledge and precautionary measures. Following are some important steps that are necessary to follow for healthy and glowing skin.

1: Avoid long exposure to warm or lukewarm water as sticking to warm water as it will strip away lipids, letting more moisture evaporate and drying out your skin even more.

2: Avoid exposure to cold air by wearing full clothes with scarf and gloves as blustery winds are harmful for your skin.

3: Drink plenty of water and prefer to eat diets enriched with proteins as lacking enough protein or fat can also quicken the drying out process.

4: Try a lotion with salicylic acid to exfoliate dead cells around your hair follicles and reduce the appearance of bumps.

5: Do not use dry handwash or soap instead use with moisturizing abilities

6: Find an "ointment" oil-based moisturizer, rather than water-based, as the oil will create a protective layer on the skin that retains more moisture than a cream or lotion. Many lotions labeled as “night cream” are usually oil based.

7: In winter use strong moisturizer for your feet. Such as lotions that contains petroleum jelly or glycerine.

8: If your skin is uncomfortably dry in winter then you should avoid harsh peels, masks, and alcohol-based toners as these products strip out necessary oil from your skin. As an alternative you can use a cleansing milk or mild foaming cleanser, a toner with no alcohol.

9: Don't forget sunscreen. You still have to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun, especially as it reflects off the snow!

10: Apply lip balm as it will prevent lip chapping. Do not forgot to apply petroleum jelly on lips every night


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