Deal With Menopause Symptoms

♠ Posted by Creative Blogger in , at 10:54

Hot flash, sweating, difficulty in sleeping, fast changes in mood, headache and many more other symptoms are related with your menopause. Tackling with these symptoms is necessary for a peaceful and happy living. Following are some ways to tackle these symptoms:

1: Hot Flash and Sweating:

Figure out symptoms:

While feeling hot flash you can experience
  • Tingling in your fingers
  • Faster heart beat than usual
  • Skin starting to feel hot
  • Your face getting red
  • Sweating

Methods to cool down:

hot flashes menopause,hot flashes,menopause, menopause symptoms, deal menopause symptoms
Handle hot flash with breaths in and breaths out

  • Take slow deep breaths in the nose (inhale) and out the mouth (exhale)
  • Sipping ice water at the start of a hot flash
  • Wearing cotton night clothes and use cotton bed linens
  • Eating a well-balanced diet
  • Exercising regularly
  • Put a bag of frozen peas under your pillow. Flip the pillow through the night and put your face on the cool side.
You should also note down the environmental or dietary factors that bring upon your hot flashes such as hot room, stress, caffeine, alcohol etc. You can control hot flashes by avoiding these things.

2: Mood Highs and Lows: 

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Mood swings due to menopause

Mood swings are very common in women around the time of menopause. Yoga and other relaxing exercises can help here to change your mood. A low-dose birth control pill, antidepressants, and even alternative treatments are sometimes recommended for mood changes.

3: Headache:

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Headache in menopause

If you already have Migraines then they can worsen at or around the time of menopause. If you have not before they can show up for the first time.

  • Note down what triggers them and solve them accordingly
  • If hunger is a trigger then eat small meal through the day
  • If Lack of sleep is trigger then take a complete nap

3: Hair Problems:

  • Hair can thin or shed faster
  • Increasing hairs on chin and cheek
  • Avoid coloring products with harsh chemicals
  • Avoid sun as it will dry your hairs
  • Contact a skin doctor for unwanted facial hair i.e. for methods of removal

4: Acne:

If you have acne in your 50’s then it’s not a surprise. It is due to menopause too. Be sure to use gentle moisturizer, sunscreen, cleanser, and other face products. Look for these words while purchasing "oil free," "won't clog pores," "noncomedogenic," and "non-acnegenic.


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