Tips for losing weight quickly

♠ Posted by Creative Blogger in , , at 06:05
tips for losing weight,how to lose weight quickly,exercises for weight loss,dieting tips,diet for weight loss,quick weight loss,lose weight without dieting
It’s not about eliminating healthy diet rather it’s about changing life styles.

Losing weight is a dire need for many people in current unhealthy life styles. With the technological advancements healthy life styles has been converted into unhealthy lifestyles. In present era we are more dependent on machines for performing our routine tasks. Therefore, in current situation the severe problem of obesity could be controlled by changing life styles rather than changing eating habits. Because for dieting we exclude many things from our diet that are necessary for our good health. Therefore, it is better to follow a low calories but healthy diet plan along with regular exercise.

Best Exercises For losing Weight:

It’s not about eliminating healthy diet rather it’s about changing life styles.

Top exercises for losing weight

  1. Aerobics: Burn 800 cal/hr. This mainly targets your legs, hips and bum, which are often the areas that women most want to tone. Doing an hour a day, split into two half an hour sessions, will ensure that you see results within 2 weeks.
  2. Bicycling:Burn  500 – 1000 cal/hr depending how fast you go.Its a very good calories burner.
  3. Swimming :Burn  800 cals/hr.Is definitely a top and pleasant exercise to lose weight, especially in the summer. Doing lengths up and down the pool for an hour will burn off 800 calories, and also tone almost all of your body.
  4. RacquetballBurn  800 cals/hr. The side to side running involved in this is a great cardio workout, and will also help to tone your thighs and legs.
  5. Elliptical Burner: Burn  600 cals/hr.  This is brilliant cardio, and also helps to build strong muscles, as well as toning the stomach.
  6. Rowing:Burn  500 – 600 cals/hr. Rowing is a brilliant way to tone your arms.  As well as building arm muscle, you’ll also burn calories and get an incredible workout.
  7. Walking:Burn  360 cals/hr. The easiest exercise, brisk walking is a great cardio workout and will also help to tone legs, stomach and hips. Sprinting, walking across hills or walking uphill will add to the amount of calories burnt, and walking tends to be very easy to fit into daily life.
Strategies to Help Lose Weight Dieting:
  1. Eat Breakfast Every Day:  Many people think skipping breakfast is a great way to cut calories.However, studies show people who eat breakfast have lower BMIs than breakfast-skippers and perform better. Try a bowl of whole-grain cereal topped with fruit and low-fat dairy for a quick and nutritious start to your day.
  2. Close the Kitchen at Night:   Establish a time when you will stop eating .Avoid  late-night munchies or mindless snacking while watching television Have a cup of tea, suck on a piece of hard candy or enjoy a small bowl of light ice cream or frozen yogurt if you want something sweet after dinner.
  3. Eat More Produce:  Eating lots of low-calorie, high-volume fruits and vegetables crowds out other foods that are higher in fat and calories. Try starting lunch or dinner with a vegetable salad or bowl of broth-based soup. Stock your kitchen with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Your diet will be enriched with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, fiber, and if you fill up on super-nutritious produce, you won't be reaching for the cookie jar.
  4. Choose Liquid Calories Wisely:  Sweetened drinks pile on the calories, but don't reduce hunger like solid foods do. Satisfy your thirst with water, sparkling water with citrus, skim or low-fat milk. Try a glass of nutritious and low-calorie vegetable juice to hold you over if you get hungry between meals. Limiting alcohol to the weekends can be a huge calorie saver.
  5. Go for the Grain: By substituting whole grains for refined grains like white bread, cakes, cookies, and pretzels, you add much-needed fiber and will fill up faster so you're more likely to eat a reasonable portion. Choose whole-wheat breads and pastas, brown rice, bran flakes, popcorn, and whole-rye crackers. 
  6. Have Protein at Every Meal and Snack.  Adding a source of lean or low-fat protein to each meal and snack will help keep you feeling full longer so you're less likely to overeat. Experts also recommend eating small, frequent meals and snacks (every 3-4 hours), to keep your blood sugar levels steady and to avoid over indulging.
  7. Switch to Lighter Alternatives:  Its preferable to use the low-fat versions of salad dressings, mayonnaise, dairy products, and other products. Use salsa or hummus as a dip; spread sandwiches with mustard instead of mayo; eat plain roasted sweet potatoes instead of loaded white potatoes; use skim milk instead of cream in your coffee; hold the cheese on sandwiches.


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